School Curriculum
Our primary and clear goal at School is training of chanters in a traditional way. Central role in this process of learning to chant is played by participating in the church and the analogion. There the students will consolidate and test what they have learned in classes.
Traditional music is by definition the music that is handed down from word of mouth, from generation to generation. It is usually not penned by a named composer but by anonymous people. It is born by the people, formed…
It is scientifically proven that music engagement during preschool age has multiple benefits in children’s development: they get familiarity with music, learn the first simple, but basic, musical concepts, contributing thus to their mental health and the development…
Online courses
The School, addressing the needs of its students in Greece and abroad and taking advantage of the possibilities offered by modern technology, offers distance learning courses as well. For more details contact us.

Our Blog
Welcome to the blog of the School!
Here you can find collected articles about chanting as well as traditional music and many other interesting things. So, we welcome you and wish you happy…browsing!

of The Great Church of Christ

We who understand and support in all, we who are “in the Athens Music Lovers’ Association of Constantinople”, wish all of us every blessing from above and power in your work that is pleasing to God.

and President of the Athens Music Lovers’ Association of Constantinople