Scholeion Psaltikis
Sholeion Psaltikis

Christina Spiliakopoulou

Christina Spiliakopoulou comes from Tropaia Arcadia and is a Marketing graduate of BA Southeastern College of Athens. In 1998 he obtained the Soloity Diploma from the Hellenic Conservatory with a grade of “Excellent” and 1st Prize, while in 2003 he received the “Recital Diploma” from the London College of Music and Media. He also holds a Degree in Harmony and a Diploma in Melodramatics from the Conservatory of Classical and Contemporary Music.

Constantly trying to deepen her musical knowledge and skills, she has attended Stage Education courses with Stergios Vafiadis, while in the years 2006-2008 she studied opera roles with Carol Richardson in Hanover. He has attended seminars by Elena Obratzova, Crista Ludwig, George Denisot and D. Kavrakou.

Christina Spiliakopoulou has participated in concerts at the Athens Concert Hall, the Herodeion, the National Opera, the Philological Association “Parnassos”, the Third Program of ERT and the Belport festival in France.

Her teaching of monody began in 1998 and melodramatic in 2008, collaborating with theater schools and conservatories of Attica.

In 2019, her collaboration with the “Psaltic School” began, where she teaches vocal.